

The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology (ECP) provides a comprehensive and systematic voice for critical psychologists from around the world. It is published by Springer (New York) in 2014 and is offered to academic and public libraries as a book as well as a digital product available to students and academics via the library’s electronic services.

ECP is the first reference work in English that comprehensively looks at psychological topics from critical points of view. ECP aims to be a comprehensive resource for all psychologists and human and social scientists, based on expert critical psychologists from around the globe. We have a broad definition of critical psychology when we refer to multifaceted approaches in theory and practice outside of the mainstream of psychology in many countries around the globe. Critical psychology includes Marxist, feminist, social constructionist, postcolonial, queer-theoretical, critical-hermeneutic, indigenous, etc. frameworks with an international impact.

See a review on Psychology Today.

Access: The ECP can be accessed via SpringerLink which most university libraries subscribe to (click on “Reference Works” – then type “Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology”)

Springer’s page: http://www.springer.com/psychology/community+psychology/book/978-1-4614-5582-0

Available on Amazon.